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BEAT900 Updates
Instructions for making BEAT 900 update disks
Each of the Disk download files contain a "zipped" copy of the files for each Update disk (1 ~ 4) To make a disk:
- Make a label with the proper update number that matches the icon (file), and apply it to a Blank, DOS formatted 3.5" floppy disk.
- Insert the floppy disk in the A:\ drive.
- Double click on the corresponding Disk Icon (file.) The program will automatically un-zip the files and write them to the disk.
- Repeat steps 1 ~ 3 for the remaining 3 disks for a total of 4 disks.
Special note about BEAT 900 YN machines with Mark 4 trimmers:
The YN software when loaded, automatically sets the machine to Mark 5 trimmers. Therefore you have to manually change the trimmer type to Mark 4 trimmer. This has to be done whenever software is loaded or if a Software Reset is done.
Instructions for changing trimmer type:
- From the BEAT System screen, select "Settings"
- While holding down the "CTRL" and ALT" keys, press the "B" key. The screen should change on the top.
- Select "Machine"
- Click on Machine Type to change to "Mark 4" trimmer.
- Select "OK"
- Select "File" "Exit"
- Select "File" "Quit"
Select "Yes" to save changes.
Software version 2.02 Rev 20
900ZN Disk 1
900ZN Disk 2
900ZN Disk 3
900ZN Disk 4 MK5 Trimmer
Software version 2.02 Rev 20
900YS Disk 1
900YS Disk 2
900YS Disk 3
900YS Disk 4 MK4 Trimmer
900YS Disk 4 MK5 Trimmer
Software version 2.02 Rev 20
900YN Disk 1
900YN Disk 2
900YN Disk 3
900YN Disk 4 MK5 Trimmer Mk4 trimmers have special instructions to the left.