Barudan Home :: Request for Service

Request for Service

Barudan America does not provide support for Barudan products sold or operated outside the United States and Canada. If you are in need of assistance outside the United States & Canada, click here to find the agent in your area.

If you are inquiring about ordering a part or manual and you have a part number, you can obtain faster service by calling our parts department at (800) 273-3672, or check out the Parts section of this site. If you do not have a part number for the part(s) you need please contact Technical Support at the number below and someone there can assist you with finding the correct part number.

If you are looking for parts books for your machine, they can be downloaded for free from this site, or they can be ordered for a fee from our parts department.You can submit a question or problem about your machine via this form, and we'll enter it into our help desk system. Our technicians will respond during our standard support hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, as if you had called in yourself--we'll call back, or e-mail a response. (or call 440-498-3660 or toll-free 1-866-825-5884)

I'm not in the U.S. - Tell me how to get service.

Request for Service

Requestor Information

Tell Us How to Contact You

Please indicate how you prefer to be contacted: e-mail, telephone, (or both) and indicate any special instructions on how to contact you--telephone extension, best time to call, etc.

Machine Information

Which Model? (Please select only one!)

Note: Models marked with "***" have some spare parts availability but limited or no technical support

Tell us about the problem